Get ready for summer fun! Say goodbyebye to your spider veins!

What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is an in-office procedure to treat spider veins. An FDA approved medication called Asclera is injected into the affected veins, causing them to seal shut, and eventually reabsorb into the body and fade over time.

What can I expect?

Sclerotherapy is a same day, in office treatment. An alcohol swab will be used to clean the treatment area. Then, a very fine needle will be used to inject the medication into the treated veins.

What do I need to do after treatment?

After sclerotherapy injections, it is recommended that prescription grade compression hose is worn for at least two weeks. It is recommended to stay out of the sun for two weeks following treatment, to avoid skin discoloration or staining.

How many treatments do I need?

The number of treatments and outcomes of sclerotherapy vary from person to person. Each session should be spaced at least one month apart.

Call (732) 784-6550 for availability and pricing!

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