Ten things to talk to Dad about on Father's Day... Vascular Edition!

It’s Father’s Day!

A day to celebrate, love, and enjoy Dad.

Let’s talk about what we can do to keep Dad on his feet and healthy.

1. Stay regular with your PCP. Let your primary doctor be the Quarterback -- call the signals and direct the plays for testing and specialist visits.

2. Stay moving. Structured walking helps get blood flowing and can improve cardiovascular health.

3. If Dad has diabetes…

here's a way to keep him on his feet. Check feet every day for wounds or blisters, even if they feel fine! A mirror is a great resource to check hard to see spots.

4. Many people with diabetes have nerve damage, which can affect feeling in the feet.... wounds, blisters or other abnormalities can appear without feeling them. Another reason to check those feet daily!

5. A wound is considered chronic when it fails to proceed normally through the healing process. The time for healing depends on the type of wound. If a wound is not healing... get checked out by a certified wound care provider.

6. Smoking, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and age over 60 are all risk factors for peripheral artery disease and development of wounds to the feet which increases the risk of amputation. 

7. Should a wound air out?

NO! Contrary to folk-lore wisdom, wounds need moisture to heal.

8. Peroxide! It is not actually a recommended treatment for wounds. Peroxide damages healthy cells in the wound and also skin cells surrounding the wound. This causes more harm and disrupts the healing process.

9. Not all wounds are the same. Therefore, the appropriate treatment can vary... Open wounds— ulcer, pressure, venous, arterial, or neuropathic; closed wounds —such as blisters, contusions, hematoma and seroma; surgical wounds and trauma wounds. Necrotic wounds will not heal without surgical intervention! It never hurts to get looked at by a medical professional for best healing outcome.

10. Make sure to tell dad…

“Happy Father’s Day! Relax, and put your feet up!”

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